Fall into Healthy Habits


Fall is here!

Maybe you made a promise to yourself that after summer you would start to take better care of your health and wellbeing. Eat better, drink less, exercise maybe, but life just keeps getting in the way!

If you could take ONE step towards a healthier lifestyle, what would it be?? 

What is the one thing you can address first that will help you:

  • Feel energized

  • Get more stuff done at work and home

  • Be more likely to exercise

  • Be less likely to binge eating

  • Feel and look better?

If you answered SLEEP then you are absolutely right!

When you suffer from poor sleep your body does not get the time it needs to rest, discharge tension and recharge.

Does this resonate with you? 

New moms get it.

You have had a couple hours of rest max, then manage to get up to care for others which sometimes means skipping breakfast. Then mid morning it's coffee and/or a pastry.  A lack of movement, water and proper meals throughout the day, another coffee and snack mid afternoon to help you get through the evening.  Then we get to do it all over again the next day.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, most adults do best with between 7-9 hours of sleep a night, but nearly 30% get less than 6. This not only affects our appearance, but also our immune system, focus, eating patterns/cravings the next day.

So if there is one thing you are ready to address to start feeling better, let it be sleep!

We have all heard the usual recommendations:  avoid stimulants like caffeine, chocolate and alcohol close to bedtime, adjust your bedroom to be cool and dark, avoid electronics at least an hour before bedtime….

But there are also things you can do from a nutrition and fitness perspective - here are my top 5 strategies for a better night sleep:

  • Do not eat large meals within two hours of bedtime. If you need a snack go for foods high in tryptophan which promotes sleep: bananas, figs, pumpkin or sesame seeds, nut butters, plain Greek yogurt with berries. I am also a big fan of tart cherry juice. The Sleep Foundation wrote a great article about how drinking tart cherry juice before bedtime can help you fall asleep quicker and even improve the quality of sleep among other great benefits. Read full article here.

  • Drink herbal teas such as valerian root, catnip or chamomile. These have mild sedative properties that will calm the nervous system and promote a restful sleep.

  • Exercise regularly but not too close to bedtime. Go for a nice walk outside to also get the benefits of the fresh air: improved brain function and reduced stress.

  • Take a warm bath an hour or two before bedtime, this will help relax muscles and loosen stiff joints. Add some essential oils like chamomile or Epsom salts for further relaxation.

  • Meditation/Prayer. Breathing exercises can help lower blood pressure, increase immune function and lower anxiety and depression.

If you suffer from sleep disorders like sleep apnea or insomnia consult your health care professional.


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Contact Martha for a FREE consultation to chat about your fitness and nutrition goals.

Louis Trahan