4 Simple ways to make your next meal healthier


There is no denying that using fresh ingredients and preparing food from scratch is the most nutritious way to feed our bodies.

In real life though, it is extremely hard for most of us to follow this ‘whole foods’ way of eating.  We live busy lives, maybe cooking is not our forte, or our budget might be limited...so we go for convenience instead.

But that convenience often has a hidden cost - consideration for our health.  When grabbing that off-the-shelf dinner, are we paying attention to the food choices we make? Or just buying what we see advertised the most? 

Here are 4 ways you can improve your nutrition(and your health) in your next meal:


The more processed a food product is, the more likely it has lost nutritional value: fibre, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. and instead has gained additives, preservatives, fillers, sugar, sodium, unhealthy fats, and so on.

Check the label and look for things that might make your choices just that little bit better.  Like choosing whole grain options or roasted instead of fried. When reading labels consider this — you want more fibre and protein, and less saturated fats, sodium and added sugars.


Are you eating just one portion? It's amazing how often we look at the calorie count on a label without looking at the serving size.  200 calories for those potato chips seems like nothing until you realize they consider 8 chips a serving size! Also, avoid eating from a container/bag, figure out the portion size and serve it out. 


What is missing from your plate? Most of the time it is veggies. Make a point of adding a salad, vegetable soup or cut up carrots, celery or peppers to those pizza nights. Vegetables are high in water, fibre, vitamins, minerals — which among other things will keep you regular and feeling healthier. 



Digestion starts in your mouth! Take the time to chew your food properly, this will improve your digestion almost right away and will also prevent you from overeating.

Some tips to slow down and chew more: pace the slower eater on the table (usually kids); put your fork down between bites; make meal time an electronics-free time. 

You don’t have to change everything at once. Be kind to yourself and keep going.  Remember — small steps, big payout!

Do you need help figuring out what to eat to improve your health, increase your energy, lose weight, gain muscle.

Check our Signature Nutrition and Fitness Packages HERE


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Louis Trahan