Products to support your weight loss goals.


According to consumer reports, over 40% of Canadians make new year resolutions, and the most common resolution, as you may have guessed, is to lose weight or get healthier.

The New Year is fast approaching and we are already starting to get bombarded with messages proclaiming that we need a fancy piece of equipment or to adopt a crash diet, detox/cleanse or to buy this magical ‘fix it all’ supplement… and on and on.

It is no surprise considering that the weight loss and weight management market was valued at 190 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach almost $300 billion by 2027. (according to Allied Market Research).

But as many of us know and have experienced, these magical solutions are short lived. 2-3 weeks into the new year and you end up with an annual subscription to a service you’ll never use again, or are left with a very expensive piece of workout equipment that is now functioning as a secondary coat rack.

It’s not to say that some of these things might work for some people. However,  if you are still reading this, it is likely you have had these experiences yourself in the past, or at the very least, know someone who has.

Losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight is more difficult as we age. Changing hormones, stress, and life in general seem to get in the way of eating healthy or exercising regularly.  But it doesn’t need to be this way,  we just need to make small incremental changes in what we do everyday. 

That starts with improving your diet and moving more.  On the surface that sounds like a lot of work?  And it might feel like that at first but once you find your groove the results can be life changing.

So how do you make it easier so you can stick to it for the long run?

Here are 3 areas to focus on along with the products that I use and recommend to all my clients.


Women start losing muscle in their mid 30s and we need to eat enough protein to stall/slow down this process, to stay strong and maintain a healthy weight. Protein is also a major player in your immune system. If you are catching every cold or virus going around, check your protein intake.

I always suggest aiming for a palm size portion with every meal and that is equivalent to about 20-30 grams.

Invest in a protein powder: This is not to say you will rely on this supplement every day but it is a quick and convenient way of getting your protein on those days when you are rushing out the door.

I eat meat and use a whey isolate protein for a few reasons: it absorbs best and it doesn’t affect my stomach.

For my vegan clients, I recommend a blend of pea and rice protein.

A blender is your best friend: No need to buy fancy equipment. if you are busy and can’t sit down to eat a meal, make a quick smoothie with protein (yogurt or protein powder, milk of choice, fruits, greens, seeds) and off you go.


Weight or strength training not only helps improve body composition (lean muscles, less fat) but it helps keep strong bones, balance, energy, and an even better mood. Did I mention it also reduces peri and post menopausal symptoms? 

What do you need to get started?

Invest in a set of dumbbells: start light, I suggest 5 to 10 lbs and once you get stronger, up the load or add the frills. Some of my favorite pieces of equipment are:



We either do nothing or too much! Allow time for your body to recover from exercise so you can go to the next workout feeling strong, but also to avoid injuries and sickness.

Sleep is the best recovery tool so cleaning your sleeping routine is paramount. Food can also help improve the quality of your sleep. Read my blog post for strategies and foods that promote recovery and better sleep. It is also important to make sure you warm up before exercise and cool down/stretch after. 

My favourite tool to aid recovery is my foam roller for getting those knots out. Watch a really easy routine here.

Don’t forget: 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬.

Be patient, keep at it and see your body thrive! Never too late to get started.

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Louis Trahan