Here’s how to get back to exercise and eating healthier after a Holiday.


Raise your hand if you went a bit (or a lot) overboard this summer. Maybe you had a few extra cocktails, ate out a lot, and your exercise routine was barely there. No judgment or regrets here. We all need to relax and unwind from time to time, even if it means indulging a bit. Especially if you did it with loved ones and it helped you forget about life's stresses for a while.

But if you're finding it hard to get back to a healthier routine, here are some things I've been focusing on to help me combat that post-holiday sluggishness and feel more energetic and productive. These are the steps that make me feel my best as a Mom, Wife, Entrepreneur, Coach, and Human being. I hope you find them helpful:

Unpack and Organize: As soon as you're back home, unpack your bags and put things back in their places. A tidy space can help you feel more in control and relaxed.

Rest Up: Try to go to sleep a bit early every night (read here tips for a better night sleep) before returning to work or your regular schedule. This will help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle tasks.

Get Outside: Sunlight and fresh air are great for resetting your internal clock. They'll help energize you and signal to your body that it's not time to feel tired or sleepy.

Healthy Eating: After enjoying holiday treats, aim to return to a balanced diet. Don't wait for the next month, and don't strive for perfection. Focus on small improvements, like starting your day with a high-protein breakfast. Examples include oats and eggs, yogurt and granola, or a quick protein shake if you're in a rush.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water and teas to rehydrate your body, especially if you've been traveling or exposed to different climates. Fruits and vegetables also contribute with hydration and I’ve also been drinking lots of ginger and lemon tea which has helped soothe stomach issues. Travelers constipation anyone? 

Exercise: Re-establish your exercise routine gradually. Begin with light workouts and gradually increase the intensity to avoid feeling overwhelmed and to avoid injuries.

Create a Routine: Establish a daily routine that includes work, exercise, meals, and relaxation. Consistency will help you regain your groove.

Stay Positive: Maintain a positive mindset. Remember the enjoyable moments from your holiday but also look forward to what's ahead.

Be Patient: Understand that it might take a few days to fully get back into the swing of things. Be patient with yourself during this adjustment period.

Remember, the key is to ease back into your routine gradually and not put too much pressure on yourself. By taking these steps, you can smoothly transition from holiday mode back to your regular daily life feeling energized and ready for what’s ahead.

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Louis Trahan