Imagine enjoying the Holiday season without worrying about wrecking your fitness goals.


It is possible to enjoy the holidays without gaining those extra pounds that you have been working so hard to keep off the months prior.

Now, before you jump right to “argh! It involves exercise and diet, doesn’t it?”, hear me out.

There is no denying that in order to lose weight and keep it off you have to have a calorie deficit, meaning you have to eat less calories than you spend. There are a few factors that may make this process a bit trickier (genetics, medical condition, stress levels, menopause) but for the most part if you eat more than what you use, your body will store the surplus as fat.

But, it is the holiday season darn it! We want to enjoy ourselves, get together with the people we love, eat food and drink to our hearts content. The last thing we want to be doing is counting calories or feeling deprived.

I am with you. This is why I want to give share some strategies that will help you:

  • Remove stress around food

  • Naturally eat less while still feeling satisfied

  • Keep burning calories even when your fitness routine is less than perfect

All of which would bring you closer to that goal you have in mind: Feeling energized, healthier, happier - without missing out on the holiday fun.

So let’s look at the most common roadblocks faced during the holiday season and a few strategies to face them.

Roadblockl#1 - Food is available at every event and the options are usually not the most nutritious.

Let’s break this down.

The problem here is not so much that the food is not the most nutritious, the main problem is that we go all out. We eat fast, we eat mindlessly, we eat until we feel stuffed.

So let’s look at what we can do to avoid going all out. 

  • Eat a healthy snack beforehand. If you are having a celebratory dinner for example, make sure to have a healthy snack an hour prior so you won’t be starving and ready to devour whatever it is offered. Include protein, fibre and healthy fats in your snack. Some good examples: plain Greek yogurt with fruit, hummus & veggies, a protein shake.

  • Don’t park yourself next to the food table. It is so easy to mindlessly keep eating when the food is at hand’s reach. 

  • Stay hydrated especially if you are planning on having a few alcoholic drinks.

  • Take your time. Chew your food and enjoy the conversation. Allow enough time for your brain to hear from your stomach that you are full or getting full.

Roadblock#2 - Alcohol. 

“I’ll just drink my calories today!” Or “I’ll drink to relax”

Let;s be clear, you can’t just ‘drink’ your calories.  It doesn’t really work that way. Our bodies need nutrients that alcohol cannot provide. And we’ve all experienced the effects of a hangover, haven’t we? Fatigue, queasiness, headache, poor sleep, irritability - there is nothing relaxing about that!

And there are also health risks associated with excessive drinking (more than 1 drink per day for women and more than 2 drinks per day for men), such as liver disease, heart failure, stomach ulcers, brain damage, stroke, even cancer.

Calories from alcohol can add up really quickly. I wrote a blog post about it which includes 10 low calorie alcoholic drinks.

Here are some strategies to help enjoy alcohol in moderation:

  • Focus on eating healthy prior to having a few drinks. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach is one of the worst mistakes you can make. That day be intentional with your protein, aim for 25 grams at every meal. Don’t forget your veggies and healthy fats.

  • Avoid syrups, opt for fresh juices with no added sugars, club soda, or sparkling water. 

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Before, during and after alcoholic drinks. Water or carbonated water.

Roadblock#3 - Your stress/anxiety is through the roof! (Anybody else feeling anxious during this time?)

This might happen when we go on vacation as well. We might be staying at a place that is not our own or we have visitors.  You have to worry about gifts, food, and entertainment.

Our routine is disrupted. 

This is part of life. Part of the holidays.

Fitness routine? out the window.

Diet? Less than ideal.

What can we do to make it better? 

  • Don’t skip meals. Doing it might cause drops in blood sugar which can worsen anxiety.

  • Get outside regardless of the weather. Fresh air and movement are both great for our mental and physical health.

  • Can’t make it to your workout? Set a walking goal. Dance. Stretch before bed. Move your body throughout your day. 

Make the holidays a great time to connect with your loved ones, eating delicious food, relaxing and recharging so you feel happier and optimistic about the New Year.

And if you feel overwhelmed during this time please seek help. If you are in Canada in an emergency: call 911, text “HELLO” to the Crisis Text Line at 686868, or call the Canada Suicide Prevention Service at 1-833-456-4566.

More information can be found here:

Do you need help figuring out what to eat to improve your health, increase your energy, lose weight, gain muscle.

Check our Signature Nutrition and Fitness Packages HERE


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Louis Trahan